Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend update from AZ!

Hannah here. I went home this last weekend to see the fam, it was great! Kayla and Jacob both had soccer games, Rachel went to homecoming, and Mariah gave a talk in Sacrament meeting.

I don't have any pictures of Kayla's game because I forgot my camera. But Jacob's was awesome. He had 2 goals and 2 assists in the first quarter! The rest of the game he was put on defense so he never had an oppertunity to score. They creamed the other team. He's such a stud!

His team is the Orange Crushers. Matthew found this Orange Crush tshirt at Target then Adam, Amanda, Jeremy all got one as well. So, naturally, I had to jump on that bandwagon too! We were definitely the coolest and well dressed fans there! My dad is the assistant coach so now we just need to get him one too! :)

Rachel went to homecoming with her friend Gabe. I didn't know who he was.. but she had a really good time! I'll just let her fill you in on those details later!
Annddd... yep she's still Rachel. Gotta love her.
 Now i'm back in good'ol Thatch just livin the college life. I love it! I'm just taking some classes, working as a writing tutor, and going on many happy adventures. That is all!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's me, Matthew!

Hey everyone!
It's Matthew, deciding to post a little something-something on the blog! Woot Woot! Anyway, so I just decided to let you all know that I"m car shopping right now. So let me know if there is a kind of car you feeel I should buy. And I'll post again when I buy one!! Hope y'all are having fun! See you soon!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Well here I am writing on a blog...WOW.  I don't know if it will really work, but I will give it a go.  I like the idea of keeping in touch and sharing stuff this way.  I am not a facebook fan, but I think I will like this.  It is more private and I don't think everyone in the world can read it.  I might be wrong on that but I hope not.  Nothing exciting to report, just that we are all doing well and keeping busy.  We didn't hear from Eric today so I am thinking that he got transferred today.  That is it for now....lets see if this will post correctly.  Paula

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thanks Hannah

Sounds like a good idea.  Is there some way I can get a reminder to check in from time to time or a notice when somone posts something new?  I find that I'm not real good on checking in on blogs or other social media without some sort of reminder.  I look forward to keeping in better touch with everyone.
Hi Everybody!

I admitt I have never blogged before but I am going to give it a try!  This past week has been CRAZY here.  Brent and I ran a race in Hawaii, came home to fall madness with soccer, cross country, wisdom teeth out, school, modeling, drivers permit, and my dad not doing well at all (he seems to be making a remarkable recovery however), work schedules, and home projects like replacing a 35 year old toilet to name just a few things.  Talk about hitting the ground running! Today is Amanda's birthday (Rachel's was three days ago) and we are now getting ready for a dinner for her.  It busy but good stuff.  Hope you are all doing well and that maybe we can keep in touch here.  Tammy

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just Because!

Ok everyone here is the blog! I'll email everyone the username and password so you can tell us your life happenings. Don't be shy!! :) Check it often!